Black Swan


Black Swan

"Black Swan" follows the story of Nina (Portman), a ballerina in a New York City ballet company whose life, like all those in her profession, is completely consumed with dance. She lives with her retired ballerina mother Erica (Barbara Hershey) who zealously supports her daughter's professional ambition. When artistic director Thomas Leroy (Vincent Cassel) decides to replace prima ballerina Beth MacIntyre (Winona Ryder) for the opening production of their new season, Swan Lake, Nina is his first choice. But Nina has competition: a new dancer, Lily (Kunis), who impresses Leroy as well. Swan Lake requires a dancer who can play both the White Swan with innocence and grace, and the Black Swan, who represents guile and sensuality. Nina fits the White Swan role perfectly but Lily is the personification of the Black Swan. As the two young dancers expand their rivalry into a twisted friendship, Nina begins to get more in touch with her dark side with a recklessness that threatens to destroy her.
Released:December 3, 2010 (limited)
Natalie Portman, Vincent Cassel, Mila Kunis, Barbara Hershey, Winona Ryder





The acclaimed new film by Duane Baughman about the life and intrepid political career of Benazir Bhutto. BHUTTO casts an unblinking lens on the ascent of the first woman ever elected to lead a Muslim state and uncovers the slippery mechanisms and murderous politics that define modern day Pakistan.

From the heart-pounding opening sequence, BHUTTO unravels for the viewer a Pakistan flailing in the throes of Jihad. With a population of 180 million, of which 97% is Muslim, 50% of the country is under 18 years old. And sadly, 60% of its citizens live on under $2 a day. The sixth largest country in the world, this South Asian nation is a powder-keg with an arsenal of 90 nuclear warheads and an average of three terrorist attacks a week since Bhutto’s death in 2007.

Released:December 3, 2010 (NY,LA)
Actors:Asif Ali Zardari, Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, Bakhtawar Bhutto Zardari, Assefa BhuttoZardari, Mark Siegel, Pervez Musharraf





Recovering alcoholic stage actress, Thea Barfoed (Paprika Steen) has gone through turmoil. Having divorced her husband, Christian (Michael Falch), and relinquished custody of their two boys during her heavy drinking days, Thea wants to start over. As her past alcohol use and indiscretions still haunt her, the reality of a new beginning seems bleak. Thea uses her inner actress's charm and manipulation to convince her ex-husband that she is fully recovered and capable of being a good mother to their children; however, she hasn't completely convinced herself. On stage, Thea plays the binge drinking, ostentatious Martha in "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?" Ironically, her stage character bears an uncanny resemblance to her personal life. As her alcoholism and past regrets hang in the balance, Thea must decide whether to confront her inner demons or to let the show go on.
Released:December 3, 2010 (LA; NY release: Jan. 21)
Actors:Paprika Steen, Michael Falch, Sara-Marie Maltha, Shanti Roney


All Good Things

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All Good Things

Inspired by the most notorious missing person's case in New York history, "All Good Things" is a love story and murder mystery set against the backdrop of a New York real estate dynasty in the 1980s. The drama portrayed in Jarecki's film was inspired by the story of Robert Durst, scion of the wealthy Durst family. Mr. Durst was suspected but never tried for killing his wife Kathie who disappeared in 1982 and was never found.
Released:December 3, 2010
Genres:Mystery, Romance 
Actors:Ryan Gosling, Kirsten Dunst, Frank Langella, Philip Baker Hall